Sunday, January 07, 2007


Sorry for the belated response to the very excellent care packages!  This whole earthquake business is really inconvenient with all of the Internet stuff that I HAVE to do.  Well, not HAVE to do, but would really like to get done.  Anyhow, I just want to thank Jerry for his awesome holiday/birthday packages that came just in time for Christmas!  Most of the edible contents are already gone....
Also, a huge thank you to Matt's parents!  We got an incredible Christmas box from them too!  It's not the holidays without Christmas cookies/cake and delicious cheese and sausage (oh, you guys know our gastronomic preferences so well!)
I hope you all of my readers, old and new, had a very happy holiday are were able to partake in in holiday goodness no matter where you are our what you believe in.
Now, on to some other business...
What's your resolution?

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