Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Bowel Cleanse 2007

Just the thing to celebrate the upcoming holiday season!

I get to drink a gallon of vile tasting cherry stool softener.

Mmm mmm mmm!

Can't wait to get started!

I have to drink it until the poo is clear.

Oh well.

So, tonight I will be heading down to Chicago for my surgery on Thursday and hopefully will be able to post again in a couple of weeks (don't worry, no pictures). But I will probably be pretty drugged up, so my post might not be too intelligible.

Talk to you later!

Monday, December 03, 2007


I just got back from my CAT scan and they made me drink a bunch of nasty tasting stuff until I barfed up some, then had to drink some more to replace the barfed up part. Ick.

Then I was injected with the contrast dye.

When I was at Beloit I found out by a totally freak paralysis incident that I was allergic to CT dye. So this time I was prepared with this knowledge to combat the evil hives that resulted afterward. I took the Prednisone and the Q-Dryl to prevent the itchy bumps. But, alas, I still have hives, not as bad as before, but still there. AND I am also working on my hopefully last stomach full of vomit from the liquid nastiness they had me chug.

Will write more about details later, but right now, one more trip to the toilet and some shut eye.