Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Poetry Contest

I now know where all of the loser poems go from those poetry contests advertised in the back of magazines. They get sold to China for recording.

I barely could get though a poem about colors.

This is the line that left me in fits of giggles 5 times:

The color of the sun is yellow
On the telephone we all say "hello"

The whole poem was like that. Could not keep it together at all.

Oh well.

So, haven't heard from many of you for a long time. What's up?

1 comment:

Sarah said...

"Sweet Molly Brown, , I aways seem to make stupid sounds, when she comes around, Molly Brown"

my favorite lyric from the Molly Brown song which I plan on finding on my old tapes, copying, and sending it you some day:) Rememeber how we said that that lyric was about Robby who I guess you used to tease for his silly sounds.

Anyway this trip dowm memory lane was brought to you by the letter F as in fisting trips.