Sunday, October 21, 2007

Happy Birthday?

So today is my birthday.

31. Meh.

I guess the big difference between 30 and 31 is that now I am officially IN my thirties rather than just hanging onto the 29/30 cusp.


Not really. Always will be people older and younger.

I didn't do much for my birthday, I just wasn't feeling up to it. We went to Madison and enjoyed the Farmer's Market - I got the last box of pumpkin squares, I grabbed them just out of some college kid's lazy reach. HA! Take that youngin'! Not quick enough to take my p-squares away from me! Looks like my China grabbin skillz are still up to snuff. Oh, and I felt entitled to them because I was coming from out of town, and, well shit, it was my birthday. I dunno, but if it came down to it, I might have pulled an episode like the bacon in China. Maybe. I'm about 60% sure I would have done something to wind up with the goodies.

Other farmers market treats we indulged in - spicy cheese bread and an almond bear claw. Yum! For lunch we went to Kabul, which is a long standing Beloit favorite. I remember making the trip up to Madison by Van Galder bus and later on in the comfort of private transport, just to get a nice bowl of the Mashawa soup and bread. I got my good ol' standby, the curry chicken and it was delicious!

After the Madison fun we headed back to Racine. I ended my birthday with a pumpkin shake from Culvers. Man, October is just the best month for so many reasons! Pumpmkin delights everywhere, cranberry treats and pecans. Mmmm!

Anyhow, thanks for all of the birthday wishes!

At least I am still immature.

Sorry this post is so vanilla. It should be pumpkin flavored.

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