Sunday, October 07, 2007

Dracunculus Medinensis

Nothing too exciting to report. I have been trying to catch up on my email that I let get way out of control. I found messages from July that I had not responded to - yikes!

Anyhow, I am getting ready to skip town again to my new home and I will finally be able to stop living out of my suitcase and cardboard boxes. Geez, I have been a little hoboish, but y'know, the kind of hobo that has a roof over his or her head and cable TV. Oh, and I haven't had to eat beans out of a can - yet.

I was going to work on some posts, but got distracted by the unreasonable size of my inbox. I have too much writing to do and no attention span to do it. Oh well, eventually I will get all of it done - I have some fun posts to put up...some day....

The post name?

Has nothing to do with anything. It is my favorite parasite. I had to study and research it in college. And no, for those of you who know me really well, I have never had this parasite. It is a little questionable what I might have swimming around in my system now as not all is right in the world, if the world is my mid-section, that is.

So, that's all for now, but I will be adding and posting when I can. Oh, and my flickr pro account expired :( So all of my nifty groups and whatnot are gone, but they will come back when I renew. But renewing my subscription, unfortunately, is not one of the $$$ priorities at the moment. I do have some photos to load, but now I have a small monthly limit, so that will be slow going until I renew.

So that is about it for the updates for now. Keep checking back!

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