Friday, February 24, 2006

Frosty Shame

A little earlier this week I had one of those "I can't believe I just said that" moments. I was in the middle of a lecture for one of my Junior 3 classes and I actually had to stop and laugh at myself, a lot. The kids were looking at each other, confused, wondering what exactly was wrong with their teacher.

We were discussion poetry - "Nothing Gold Can Stay" - Robert Frost. I wanted to get their opinions - which is difficult to do. So, I told them that they "...aren't required to like it, but are required to consider it." After saying that, I don't know what happened, I just couldn't go on. I finally figured out what I had just done, I quoted from Mona Lisa Smile. Yes. THAT movie. Oh, the shame!

The shame is 2-part: 1) that I quoted the movie AND recognized where the quote came from and 2) I have seen the movie, more than once. In my defense, movies are really inexpensive here so, well, we have acquired all levels of crap movies.


Week two just about done. I was rushed at the podium the other day by a hurricane of little 12 year old boys. One of them told me that another student got the highest marks in his grade and that he should get a hug from me. I asked the boy if he wanted a hug because he did so well. The reply, "Yes, yes, oh yes!" Then, once that hug was completed, I was on the ground giving hugs to all of the kids. I now walk home from school with about 10-25 little boys three times a week (they wait for me outside of the school). Whoo-hoo! I have a posse!

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