Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Women's Day, Shwemmin's Day


The cheapskates at the school made my life a whole lot easier on Women's Day! They didn't want to shell out this year for a banquet for the women teachers. All of the teachers were very disappointed, all but me! Instead, I got a pen and flowers from the junior school and a cup from the senior school.

Some of my kids made me some sweet drawings, I tried to fly a kite with some of my kids (the activity crashed and burned, like the kite - power lines, yikes!) I also watched some of my other students play soccer. All in all it was a pretty laid back day! It was nice not to have to worry about another 3+ hour banquet. It is pretty hard to psych up for those - it might not have been so bad with just women (the likelihood of drinking games is pretty nil).

So, I still haven't quite figured out the whole winking thing and it seems to be spreading to some of my other classes. Cute but creepy! Last week, one of the other English teachers invited me to one of her English classes (my favorite Junior 2 Class). They had prepared little singing performances for Women's Day and were hoping that I would be able to come and watch. It was so sweet! All of the boys prepared a song for the teacher (and me!) None of the girls were really forced to sing like the boys were - I think that only one girl gave a performance. At the end of class, I was pressured to sing. Standing ovation and chanting. Geez. What to do, what to do. I went up to the front of the room and belted a very nervous rendition of "Killing Me Softly". The kids seemed to like it at least. After class, we all walked home together. Gotta love 'em.

Last Thursday Matt and I had our first meeting of our Drama Club. What is having a Drama Club meeting without a little drama ala administration. So, this is something that they had known about for over a week and we were told that a room had been all arranged, nothing to worry about. So, on the day of, there are over 100 kids lined up in the hallway, and whaddoyaknow? the door is locked. We wait, and wait, and wait. Finally our waiban said that they are getting the key to unlock the room. So, we wait, and wait and wait. Finally, we get word that we are moving shop to the library. So, we, Matt and I, 4 English teachers, waiban, and about 150 student make the pilgrimage to the library. We manage to interrupt all of the independent study going on there with our very loud and noticeable presence. Matt and I rip through the play (Romeo and Juliet) and the students are entertained. I hope that they aren't too scared off by the difficult language though. I guess we will see by how many show up this week.

Anyhow, nothing too exciting, but hey! I'm doing nothing - in CHINA! I am trying to play Bingo for dummies in my Junior 1 classes, and well, I don't think that they can handle prizes. We'll see. They just go nuts!

I guess that is all for now, talk to all you keen peeps later!

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