Wednesday, April 05, 2006

I Can't Believe I'm Doing This...

...I'm actually teaching the dreaded Macarena in class. Also, this brings about another equally disturbing realization for me: I actually remember the Macarena. Didn't have to Google it for the trip down the "not so great memory lane". I don't know what came over me. It just seemed like something I should do. That said, it is a riot! The kids get quite a kick out of it and seem to like to boogie down in the classroom and I am actually enjoying making them do it. Ahhh, power! Wha-ha-ha-ha-ha!

The most enthusiastic about it are the boys. Some have even climbed on top of their desks to shake it. They really like the hip swivel part of it - maybe too much as many a desk has been tipped over by too much hip action. When I call out that I need some people to help me do it up in the front of the room, little boy hands shoot up everywhere along with a chorus of "Teacher, me! Let me try please!". I have not yet been able to recruit a girl group to join me, but it is not for the lack of trying. I think I will be able to get some girls in my Thursday class.

On the walk home, I met my usual gang and we all went home together. Little Sam of course danced the Macarena the way home - except for when I had to hold him back so he wouldn't hit a girl who pushed/tripped him and caused him to scrape up his arm. This girl is probably the most irritating child that I have ever met. She won't leave me alone. She can't just walk near me, she has to suction herself to me and won't let go. She constantly interrupts me and the other chillins and now has taken up the hobby of taking things out of my bag and guffawing in my ear as loud as she can for no particular reason for a little attention. My little posse really doesn't like her (probably because she tries to physically hurt them so she can have my full undivided attention) and they try to shake her all the time. Today, My little Jack (one of the best English speakers in his year) just had enough of her and took off. We found him waiting at the corner for us after she turned off to cross the street. After that, we all shared some craisins and felt a lot better and were able to goof off like we normally do. We decided that this Sunday we are going to go fly a kite together and maybe go to the new little photo booth in town. I feel a little bad for Jenny because it doesn't really seem that she has a lot of friends, because well, she's down right annoying. Hopefully, she won't keep this up for very much longer. I guess I do have a bit of a history of picking up parasites in foreign countries. Mean, yes, I know.

Okay, enough of that. So, I have found myself doing all sorts of things that I would have never considered doing in the States. How low will I sink? What's next, the finer details of the Chicken Dance? Tune in next week.


TheUnsinkableMB said...

Yes, yes. The constant disappointment that is Will and Q. First no Chicken Dance, next the grown-up house. What will they do next to let us down? ;-)

SaraQ said...

Stop it. We're not grown-ups. No. No. No. Dont make us default on our mortgage just to prove you wrong.

PS was there a Chicken Dance at your midwest wedding Molly?

TheUnsinkableMB said...

Admittedly, there was no such dance at my wedding. BUT I will probably be teaching over 800 children the finer points of the dance of the chicken. And hey, it's not like I was the only one who didn't notice about its absence from your wedding (ahem, Debz, ahem)