Saturday, January 07, 2006

Big Scary Metal Monster with Sharp Pointy Teeth

So, I wanted to tell you a little about one of the things I enjoy doing here in Guyuan, but first, do you remember when you were little how scary the escalator was? Everyone knew about "that kid" who got his/her shoelaces caught in the teeth of the escalator. And admit it or not, after knowing about that unfortunate kid, you ALWAYS checked the status of your laces - even going out of your way to tuck them inside your shoes before boarding the great metal monster.

Well, escalators are rather new technology here in Guyuan - only two places in town have them, the underground grocery store and the new mall (the one that had the protest). One of the things that I like to do is watch people use them. It can be quite entertaining!

When the mall first opened an older lady and her daughter were standing in front of the great moving staircase. The lady was working up the nerve to jump on. She would advance and retreat, advance and retreat. Finally, laughing, she waved it off and decided to use the stairs.

I never thought about using the device - just hop on and enjoy the ride! I don't really think twice before stepping on. But, being that they have never been used here until now, people just don't always know what to do.
At the grocery store about 2 weeks ago, I watched a man unsuccessfully try to go up the wrong side - 4 times. He finally stopped and watched someone else use the up escalator. Then stood at the bottom, timed it, misstepped it once, waited some more, misstepped again, and finally carefully jumped onto one of the stairs. Success! But, he panicked at the top (that darn monster) and tripped and stumbled off.

Watching women with groceries and little kids use it is always interesting. The kids seem to conquer the fear of the monster faster than their parents - so kids are running all over the place, mom is juggling groceries and trying to time hopping on and making sure the kids don't get gobbled up by the monster. One mom made her kids wait for her at the bottom of the escalator, first she brought up the groceries and then brought up each one of her kids separately.

Of course little kids and escalators are the same every where you go. Once the fear of the monster is gone, they love to tear up and down the escalators going against the designated direction. One little kid was worried about me getting on the new-fangled device and insisted on holding my hand on my ride down and scolded me for not hanging onto the railing. This is the first time that I have ever had a finger waved at me by a 6 year old.

Most recently, I earned me some serious elevator cred. with the youngsters by nonchalantly stepping on the escalator and walking up and getting off without a second thought. When I got off they were pointing at me and ahhhing. Then one of the kids tried to get on the device like I just had done and, I'm afraid to say, bit it on the step down.

Oh well, so I guess when our foreign exotic appeal wears off on the folks here Matt and I can dazzle the crowd with our mad escalator skills.

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