Friday, September 09, 2005

I'll Take potpourri for $600, Alex...

The answer is ...

If you can't say anything nice...

Sorry that I have not been updating very frequently, I just have not been in the right state of mind to do so. Adjusting to life here has been very difficult for me especially the passive aggressive attitudes and the aggressive/persistent type too. It will only get easier, right?

One of the reasons why it has been so difficult is that I have a teacher constantly hounding me. He is a math teacher at my middle school. I dread going to school because of him. He goes to some of my classes, he waits for me outside of the building in the morning or waits for me at my desk in the English department, he waits for me in the halls for when my classes let out. He got a copy of my class schedule so now he knows when all of my open hours are. The other day I was working at my desk on my lessons for the day and he walks in and demands that "now we go to his office so I can teach him English". He is constantly on my back about this. My last class he attended, he was sitting in the back and giving answers to the students. I'm starting to get really angry about this. I hate feeling this way. I don't care if he loses "face", I want him to feel bad.

I was the recipient of another Chinese surprise today. I was walking back to class this afternoon when an older fruit vendor blew a huge snot rocket onto my arm. I just stood there stunned, looking at the multi-colored mucus running down my arm. I must say, I found it very nice of him to at least laugh at me, I want to say that it was just an embarrassed reaction, but then he found a couple of other people to come and look at it and point and laugh at me in chorus. I wound up wiping it on his sleeve and walked away to the sound of gathering laughter.

This Friday I can look forward to another forced party - this time they are separating us so we can both be miserable from separate locations! Oh, goody, goody!

So, right now I am of the "...don't say anything at all" mentality. That is, until I explode.

At least when youÂ’re feeling down,thereÂ’s someone there to blow snot on you。

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