I think this is one of the more creepy and ridiculous things that I have seen in a really long time - and that's from someone who is just back from China! I was watching some vapid television program and completely spacing out the surrounding world when this little gem popped up on the screen.
"The World's Biggest Tea Party"
I couldn't believe that I was actually seeing this, this, this...thing on TV! Who would actually think that My Little Pony would represent well on stage? Who's brainchild was this? They have international shows - does My Little Pony translate well? and, my most important question, WHY???
I didn't really, really believe that this was true, so I did what any responsible, inquiring person would do. I went online. True. There is a stage production of My Little Pony. AND they have a preview video! 1:18 minute long gem of a video clip of singing and dancing ponies. I think everyone should check it out - http://www.mylittleponylive.net/default.asp Yes, speechless would be the words to describe how this Hasbro production left me.
I do truly believe that the best way to watch this would be in the same way that many young adults watch the Teletubbies. Still, I don't know what is scarier that baby sun thing or these dancing and singing ponies. Hmmm...okay, I still think the baby sun thing is still far creepier, but dancing ponies, in my opinion, isn't too far removed from the creepy children's programming awards.
Then I noticed that it had suddenly gotten very quiet in the room. I looked over to the TV set. Apparently, the TV was in as much shock as I was in because it completely froze up on the ad for the Tea Party leaving its overly pink picture burned into the forefront of my memory.
That station remained frozen on that image for the rest of the night. Apparently too terrified to change.
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