Thursday, July 26, 2007

Catch Up

I owe you a ton of posts! I will be gradually chipping away at all of the posts that I have drafts of or that I just haven't bothered to write down yet. I fully blame China, not my own laziness....

Yeah, um...

It is true though that I haven't been able to really access my blog in China since I got back from Guyuan and the remote posting by email was just not working either. So I did try to post. A little.

I am back in the US and not quite sure about being back yet. It is different and a little scary. But I will of course tell you all about it later :)

Just hang on for a little while longer and I will have oodles of posts for you all to enjoy! I will put an anouncement up if I post-date some of the entries.

Talk to you later!


Brian Dearth said...

Where did you guys end up in the U.S.? Back in Madison?

JerryG said...

So THAT's why your MSN contact info mysteriously changed back to Minnetonka...