Wednesday, December 13, 2006

The Bacon Battle

Some times I get caught into situations where I don't really know what the right response should be. For example, today I was doing a little shopping at the local Walmart today (exotic, huh?). I was just picking up a little cheese (woot!) and some other goods that I can't get at the local grocery stores. I was very, very lucky and got the last package of Hormel bacon (woot, woot!).

Okay, so here's the situation, I turned around to look at some other products and right when I turned my attention back to my cart I caught an elderly lady taking my precious bacon out of my cart and put it into her basket and walk away. I went up to her and said in Chinese, "Excuse me, that pork meat is mine". Blank look. I pointed at her basket and pantomimed that I saw her take it out of my cart. She brushed me off and continued to walk away from me. Ummm...yeah, that's my bacon, lady! So, I went up to her and took it back and walked away. The result? She followed me and when she caught up she spat out some angry sounding Chinese at me, reclaimed the bacon, and gave me a really dirty look and scurried away.




I was a little stunned by what had just happened. A little old lady stole my bacon, yelled at me and then ran away.


So, I went home bacon less. And confused.


JerryG said...
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JerryG said...

What? Oh, Molly. You can't give up the bacon THAT easily. Wait? Was it Boca bacon? No? Eh, no big loss :-P

Brian Dearth said...

Your inability to bring home the bacon is truly disturbing.