Sunday, November 05, 2006

I'll get you! And your little dog too!

Nothing to report here.  It has been hella windy today!  Some huge (10ft+ sheets) corrugated aluminum sheeting blew off of the roof of our building and cam crashing down.  There were even a couple stuck in the tree!  When I went out to take some pictures, most of the sheeting mess had been cleaned up, but the ones in the tress remained.  There was also a posse of police and green uniformed men, assessing the situation.  They blocked the path so bikes and cars couldn't go through.

What else...

Oh, yesterday Matt and I went with one of his students to the Fragrant Hills (mountain).  We climbed up.  Actually not so much climbed, but slowly shuffled as the crowd shifted.  Hella busy.  It was nice, really windy though.  It is hard to really enjoy some of these sort of things here in China because there are just too many people!  We went part way down on a dirt trail.  I never thought that I would ever be on a semi-steep decline with people still pushing and jockeying for space.  Hella crazy.  Totally suckola!  Didn't see too many red leaves.  I am convinced that the promo pictures have all been photoshopped.  There were some, but nothing like what is on the printed material.  It was good to get out for a little bit because it reminded me how much I like being in my apartment.



Yup, used "suckola".

Also, note the usage of "hella".  I would like to blame that recent addition to my blog vocabulary to South Park.  I have been watching a lot of it lately.  Hella cool.

Anyhow, Matt's student was really friendly and helpful.  And it is fun to spend time with students, even if their English level isn't that high.  He insisted on paying for everything though, which we don't really like.  He even brought a backpack full of beverages that he hauled up and down the mountain!

Oh, about the blog.  I don't think that it is just me.  It looks like a lot of us down in the PRC are having trouble with the new Blogger Beta program.  Hopefully it is just a temporary block.  At least I can post through my email.  I just can't edit, so you will have to live with all of my mistakes (not that I really proof read much before).  Also, if any of you techies know about any good backdoor programs, please let me know!  More pictures will be up on Flickr somewhat soon, so keep checking back!

Okay people.  Unsinkable out.

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