Friday, April 14, 2006


Hey -

I think that I am going to teach some of my kids some slag words - maybe a couple every class period. But, being that I am losing my language ability, I need your help - anything from the standard "cool" to Q's fav "rad" - if it is a little obscure, let me know what it means.



Pretentious Bastard said...

A lot of this is used on the South Side:

Cold: Cool, awesome
Tight: good, okay, It's all right
Cluck: drug user
Hype: Drug addict

Trippin': having difficulties with a specific person

s'what i got off the top of my head.

SaraQ said...

My favs are words that have real "other" meanings. Lots of slang is sexual or drug related, but I'm trying to be more positive than Marty. . .

Dough or cheddar: Money
Shortie: Cute Girl
Hot: cute/ good (ala Paris Hilton's "that's hot")
Ace: to do well
Chicken: someone who is afraid
Shady: unclear in a dangerous way