Wednesday, March 08, 2006


Yup, winky face.

Classes good and all that shiznit.

Today I was a little caught off guard by one of my classes. They learned about winking. At first, I didn't know what they were doing. Hands were waiving in the air to a chorus of "Teacher, me! Teacher me!" I called on a student and he or she would stand up and *wink* at me and go on to present their dialogue. It took me a little bit to figure out what they were up to. I was walking up and down the aisles while my little kids were winking at me. Strange. The funniest were the ones who didn't quite have it down yet - they would do the double eye close at me and smile. Funny - they first open their eyes really wide and hard shut their eyes for a couple of seconds. Then, open and smile.

Anyhow, tomorrow is Women's Day here in China. I was warned that there might be some "activities" I may be required to go to. I'm sure that it will inspire a post tomorrow. Feeling a long day coming on...wish me luck... and strength!

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